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Your search returned 923 results. You searched for the family: MALVACEAE. This is page 79 of 93

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
71906MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton -dyed hanks and woven yarnCotton -dyed hanks and woven yarnGreat Exhib
71907MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton and reeled cottonCotton and reeled cottonGlover & Dunn, Great Exhibition 1851
72439MALVACEAE Gossypium spWoodIndiaWoodHay Dr A
72941MALVACEAE Hibiscus hastatusWoodUnited StatesWoodFisher Jack, Ewers Frank, Gasson Peter, Curtis Alan
73007MALVACEAE Gossypium sp10 specimens of processed cotton10 specimens of processed cottonPharm Soc GB
73008MALVACEAE Gossypium sp9 samples of cotton9 samples of cottonPharm Soc GB
73206MALVACEAE Gossypium spBoy's cap made of cottonIndiaBoy's cap made of cottonMoorat Mrs MAC
73208MALVACEAE Gossypium spGirl's jacket of cottonIndiaGirl's jacket of cottonMoorat Mrs MAC
73212MALVACEAE Hibiscus sabdariffaFibresFibresIndia Museum
73216MALVACEAE Hibiscus ludwigiiFibre and twineSouth AfricaFibre and twineHis Excellency the Governor

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