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Your search returned 923 results. You searched for the family: MALVACEAE. This is page 66 of 93

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
65881MALVACEAE Gossypium herbaceumFluff from seedEgyptFluff from seedPharm Soc GB
65882MALVACEAE Gossypium herbaceumCotton bollsCotton bollsPharm Soc GB
65883MALVACEAE Gossypium herbaceumCotton bollsCotton bollsPharm Soc GB
65884MALVACEAE Gossypium spStandard sample cotton woolStandard sample cotton woolPharm Soc GB
65885MALVACEAE Gossypium herbaceumCleaned cotton seedEgyptCleaned cotton seedPharm Soc GB
65886MALVACEAE Gossypium herbaceumCotton root barkUnited StatesCotton root barkPharm Soc GB
65887MALVACEAE Hibiscus esculentusFruit and seedGuyanaFruit and seedPharm Soc GB
65888 MALVACEAE Hibiscus abelmoschusFruit and seedSierra LeoneFruit and seedPharm Soc GB
65889MALVACEAE Hibiscus syriacusFlowersJapanFlowersPharm Soc GB
65890MALVACEAE Hibiscus rosa-sinensisFlowersFlowersPharm Soc GB

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