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Your search returned 923 results. You searched for the family: MALVACEAE. This is page 63 of 93

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
65851MALVACEAE Thespesia populneaFlowersSeychellesFlowersThe Administrator
65852MALVACEAE Thespesia populneaTwin figures in woodFrench PolynesiaTwin figures in woodFW Christian
65853 MALVACEAE Thespesia populneaCarved bowlFrench PolynesiaCarved bowlFW Christian
65854MALVACEAE Urena lobataFibreUgandaFibreBrit Emp Exhib
65855MALVACEAE Thespesia populneaFlowersIndiaFlowersIndia Museum
65856MALVACEAE Thespesia populneaWomens dress made of fibreSolomon IslandsWomens dress made of fibreWoodford CM
65857MALVACEAE Thespesia populneaBarkGuyanaBarkGeorgetown Botanic Garden
65858MALVACEAE Thespesia populneaBag made of fibreBag made of fibreChallenger Exped
65859MALVACEAE Thespesia populneaNative rope, part of canoe sheetPapua New GuineaNative rope, part of canoe sheetHMS Challenger
65860MALVACEAE Thespesia populneaNative BarkclothPapua New GuineaNative BarkclothMoseley HA, HMS Challenger

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