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Your search returned 131 results. You searched for the family: LORANTHACEAE. This is page 10 of 14

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
44817LORANTHACEAE Viscum spMistletoe on Maple (Parasitic)Mistletoe on Maple (Parasitic)
44818LORANTHACEAE Viscum spMistletoe on hawthorn (Parasitic)Mistletoe on hawthorn (Parasitic)
44819 LORANTHACEAE Viscum albumMistletoe on lime (Parasitic)Mistletoe on lime (Parasitic)Herbert W
44820LORANTHACEAE Viscum spMistletoe on branch of Apple treeMistletoe on branch of Apple treeDyer Prof WT FLS
44821LORANTHACEAE Viscum albumMistletoe on apple treeMistletoe on apple treeHenslow Prod JS
44822 LORANTHACEAE Viscum spViscum on Quercus glaucaIndiaViscum on Quercus glaucaHooker Sir JD
44823LORANTHACEAE Viscum albumViscum on AcerViscum on Acer
44824LORANTHACEAE Viscum album
44825LORANTHACEAE Viscum japonicumPortion of plantMauritiusPortion of plantBalfour IB
45488CHLORANTHACEAE Hedyosmum burgoyniiBarkVenezuelaBarkSchuchardt Dr Theodor

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