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Your search returned 253 results. You searched for the family: LINACEAE. This is page 16 of 26

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
64609LINACEAE Linum spFlax fibresIndiaFlax fibresIndia Museum
64610LINACEAE Linum spRove bobbin & spun flaxRove bobbin & spun flaxRichards & Co Aberdeen
64611LINACEAE Linum spBobbin with spun flaxBobbin with spun flax
64612LINACEAE Linum spBobbin with spun flaxBobbin with spun flax
64613LINACEAE Linum spHackled FlaxHackled FlaxRichards & Co Aberdeen
64614LINACEAE Linum spFlaxAustraliaFlaxInter Exhib
64615LINACEAE Linum spPaper made from Flax fibreIndiaPaper made from Flax fibreIndia Museum
64616LINACEAE Linseed Oil Mill ModelIndiaLinseed Oil Mill ModelIndia Musem
64617LINACEAE Hackles for FlaxHackles for Flax
64618LINACEAE Linum spRippled flax with fruits removedRippled flax with fruits removedRichards & Co Aberdeen

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