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Your search returned 253 results. You searched for the family: LINACEAE. This is page 13 of 26

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
64579LINACEAE Linum spFlaxFlaxThomson W
64580LINACEAE Linum spScutched flaxScutched flaxRichards & Co, Aberdeen
64581LINACEAE Linum usitatissimumFibre (Flax)IndiaFibre (Flax)India Museum, India Office
64582LINACEAE Linum spBroken flax stemsBroken flax stemsRichards & Co, Aberdeen
64583LINACEAE Linum spFibre (Flax)Fibre (Flax)Board of Trade
64584LINACEAE Linum spRiga FlaxRiga FlaxJohnson Dr T, Science & Art Museum, Dublin
64585LINACEAE Linum spSpecimen of printing on linenSpecimen of printing on linenSimmonds PL
64586LINACEAE Linum spPortion of newspaper on flax paperUnited StatesPortion of newspaper on flax paperDarlington Dr
64587LINACEAE Linum spFinest hackled flaxFinest hackled flax
64588LINACEAE Linum spFlax towUSSRFlax towInternational Exhibition 1851

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