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Your search returned 253 results. You searched for the family: LINACEAE. This is page 11 of 26

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
64559LINACEAE Linum spFlax fibreFlax fibreInter Exhib
64560LINACEAE Linum spYarn from unretted Yorkshire FlaxYarn from unretted Yorkshire FlaxHives & Atkinson, Aberdeen Board of Trade
64561LINACEAE Linum spseedsChinaseedsBretschneider Dr
64562LINACEAE Linum spLinseed oil cakeIndiaLinseed oil cakeParis Exhib
64563LINACEAE Linum spFlax fabric from a German aeroplaneFlax fabric from a German aeroplane
64564LINACEAE Linum usitatissimumGround flax shivesGround flax shivesDahl WS
64565LINACEAE Linum usitatissimumGround flax shivesGround flax shivesDahl WS
64566LINACEAE Linum spYarn from flaxUnited KingdomYarn from flaxInternational Exhibition 1851
64567LINACEAE Linum spUncombed flaxSpainUncombed flaxInternational Exhibition 1851
64568LINACEAE Linum spLinseed oil cakeIndiaLinseed oil cakeIndia Museum

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