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Your search returned 800 results. You searched for the family: CUPRESSACEAE. This is page 62 of 80

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
40471CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus virginianaRootItalyRootXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40472CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus virginianaRootItalyRootXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40473CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus communisWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40474CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus communisWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40475CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus oxycedrusWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40476CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus oxycedrusWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40477CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus macrocarpaWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40478CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus macrocarpaWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40479CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus phoeniceaWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40480CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus phoeniceaWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)

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