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Your search returned 800 results. You searched for the family: CUPRESSACEAE. This is page 61 of 80

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
38501CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus cedrusWoodPortugalWood
38502CUPRESSACEAE Austrocedrus chilensisWoodUnited KingdomWood
38692 CUPRESSACEAE Thuja spSaki Barrel with related equipmentJapanSaki Barrel with related equipmentTamanokai Poetry Group, Japan
38971CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus communisWalking StickAlgeriaWalking StickHowell Henry & CoHowell Henry & Co
40000CUPRESSACEAE Chamaecyparis obtusaPainting on woodJapanPainting on wood
40113CUPRESSACEAE Libocedrus macrolepisBarkTaiwanBarkPrice WR
40467CUPRESSACEAE Cupressus sempervirensWood and rootItalyWood and rootXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40468CUPRESSACEAE Cupressus sempervirensWood and rootItalyWood and rootXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40469CUPRESSACEAE Cupressus macrocarpaWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40470CUPRESSACEAE Cupressus macrocarpaWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)

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