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Your search returned 915 results. You searched for the family: BURSERACEAE. This is page 9 of 92

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
3750BURSERACEAE Commiphora berryiWoodIndiaWoodLawson MA
3751BURSERACEAE Commiphora erythraeaWoodWoodIFI
3752BURSERACEAE Commiphora africanaWoodEthiopiaWood
3753 BURSERACEAE Commiphora katafWoodWoodBritish Museum (Natural History)Schweinfurth GA
3754BURSERACEAE Commiphora papyraceaWoodWoodBrockman Dr Drake
3755BURSERACEAE Commiphora mukulWoodIndiaWoodGamble JS
3756BURSERACEAE Commiphora mukulWoodIndiaWoodDalzell NA
3757BURSERACEAE Commiphora opobalsamumWoodYemenWoodHooker Sir JD
3758BURSERACEAE Commiphora rostrataWoodSomaliaWoodIFIGlover Major PE
3759BURSERACEAE Commiphora africanaWoodTanzaniaWoodJefford

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