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Your search returned 915 results. You searched for the family: BURSERACEAE. This is page 59 of 92

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
63455BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.ResinResinPharm Soc GB
63456BURSERACEAE Protium spResinResinPharm Soc GB
63457BURSERACEAE Protium spResinGabonResinPharm Soc GBBatchelor LH
63459BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.ResinResinPharm Soc GBHirsch Leo
63466BURSERACEAE Protium guianenseGum ResinGum ResinPharm Soc GB
63467 BURSERACEAE Protium heterophyllaCortex and resinBrazilCortex and resinPharm Soc GB
63468BURSERACEAE Protium altissimumCortexSurinameCortexPharm Soc GB
63469BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.ResinIndiaResinPharm Soc GB
63471BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.ResinResinPharm Soc GB
63472BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.Resin in bambooResin in bambooPharm Soc GB

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