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Your search returned 915 results. You searched for the family: BURSERACEAE. This is page 56 of 92

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
63425BURSERACEAE Boswellia carteriPortion of StemPortion of StemWykeham Perry W
63426BURSERACEAE Commiphora opobalsamumPortion of stemSomaliaPortion of stemDrake Brockman Dr
63427BURSERACEAE Commiphora hodaiPortion of stemSomaliaPortion of stemDrake-Brockman Dr
63428BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.Portion of StemPortion of StemDrake-Brockman Dr
63429BURSERACEAE Commiphora coriaceaPortion of StemPortion of StemDrake-Brockman Dr
63430BURSERACEAE Commiphora mukulResin with wicker coveringResin with wicker coveringIndia Museum
63431BURSERACEAE Commiphora coriaceaPortion of stemPortion of stemDrake-Brockman Dr RE
63432BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.Portion of stemPortion of stem
63433BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.Portion of StemPortion of Stem
63434BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.Portion of stem with resinSomaliaPortion of stem with resinDrake-Brockman Dr RE

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