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Your search returned 915 results. You searched for the family: BURSERACEAE. This is page 55 of 92

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
63415BURSERACEAE Commiphora mukulPortions of stemIndiaPortions of stemWoodrow GM
63416BURSERACEAE Commiphora schimperiPortion of stemPortion of stemWykeham Perry W
63417BURSERACEAE Commiphora opobalsamumPortion of stemYemenPortion of stemWykeham Perry W
63418BURSERACEAE Boswellia spStemsStemsWykeham Perry W
63419BURSERACEAE Boswellia spStemStemWykeham Perry W
63420BURSERACEAE Boswellia carteriPortions of branchesPortions of branchesWykeham Perry W
63421BURSERACEAE Boswellia carteriPortion of StemPortion of StemWykeham Perry W
63422BURSERACEAE Boswellia frereanaPortion of StemPortion of StemWykeham Perry W
63423BURSERACEAE Boswellia carteriPortion of StemPortion of StemWykeham Perry W
63424 BURSERACEAE Commiphora opobalsamumPortion of StemYemenPortion of StemHooker Sir JD

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