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Your search returned 915 results. You searched for the family: BURSERACEAE. This is page 50 of 92

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
63365BURSERACEAE Dacryodes hexandraResinResinRoyal College of Science
63366BURSERACEAE Dacryodes hexandraOleo ResinOleo ResinRoyal College of Science
63367BURSERACEAE Garuga pinnataGalls on LeavesIndiaGalls on LeavesHooker Sir JD
63368BURSERACEAE Garuga pinnataGumIndiaGumManson, India Forest Department
63369BURSERACEAE Dacryodes hexandraGum-ResinGrenadaGum-ResinBotanic Gardens Grenada
63370BURSERACEAE Dacryodes hexandraCrystalline Constituent of Oleo-ResinCrystalline Constituent of Oleo-ResinRoy Coll of Science
63371BURSERACEAE Garuga pinnataBarkIndiaBarkIndia Museum
63372BURSERACEAE Garuga pinnataFruitsIndiaFruitsIndia Museum
63373BURSERACEAE Boswellia spResinYemenResinBalfour Prof Bayley
63374BURSERACEAE Haplolobus floribundusBarkFijiBarkCSIROBola I

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