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Your search returned 915 results. You searched for the family: BURSERACEAE. This is page 47 of 92

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
63335 BURSERACEAE Commiphora opobalsamumBalmSyriaBalmWay Alfred
63336BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.Gum MyrrhGum Myrrh
63337BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.Resin from stemsResin from stemsBurroughs & Wellcome
63338BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.ResinJapanResinWoolley WA
63339BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.Bark with resinSomaliaBark with resinDrake-Brockman Dr RE
63340BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.MyrrhTanzaniaMyrrhKirk Sir J
63341BURSERACEAE Commiphora gileadensisBalm of Gilead resinBalm of Gilead resinJones L
63342BURSERACEAE Commiphora gunriWoodSomaliaWoodDrake-Brockman RE
63343BURSERACEAE Commiphora hodaiResinSomaliaResinDrake-Brockman RE
63344BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp.Wood with resinSomaliaWood with resinDrake-Brockman RE

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