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Your search returned 915 results. You searched for the family: BURSERACEAE. This is page 42 of 92

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
63285BURSERACEAE Commiphora africanaWoodEgyptWoodStocks Dr
63286 BURSERACEAE Commiphora agallochaResinResinGovernment of Madras
63287BURSERACEAE Commiphora agallochaResinIndiaResinIndia Museum
63288 BURSERACEAE Commiphora berryiGum resinIndiaGum resinLawson MA
63289BURSERACEAE Commiphora coriaceaWood and resinSomaliaWood and resinDrake-Brockman RE
63290BURSERACEAE Commiphora crassispinaBark with resinSomaliaBark with resinDrake-Brockman RE
63291BURSERACEAE Commiphora drake-brockmaniiResinResinCollenette CL
63292BURSERACEAE Commiphora drake-brockmaniiWood and resinSomaliaWood and resinDrake-Brockman RE
63293BURSERACEAE Commiphora drake-brockmaniiGum resinGum resinCurle A
63294BURSERACEAE Commiphora drake-brockmaniiBark and resinSomaliaBark and resinDrake-Brockman RE

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