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Your search returned 915 results. You searched for the family: BURSERACEAE. This is page 20 of 92

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
3860BURSERACEAE Trattinnickia spWoodSurinameWoodStahel G
3861BURSERACEAE Trigonochlamys griffithiiWoodSingaporeWoodHolttum RE
3862BURSERACEAE WoodVanuatuWoodRoyal Soc. & Percy Sladen Exped.
3863BURSERACEAE Triomma malaccensisWoodMalaysiaWoodFor. Dept. Malaya
3864BURSERACEAE Triomma malaccensisWoodMalaysiaWoodFor Dept. Malaya
3865BURSERACEAE WoodWoodPullen R
4506BURSERACEAE Scutinanthe brunneaWoodSri LankaWoodHerb. KewWorthington JB
4507BURSERACEAE Flindersia schottianaWoodAustraliaWoodPierpont FH
20509BURSERACEAE Boswellia papyriferaWoodEthiopiaWoodMeyer FG
20510BURSERACEAE Boswellia serrataWoodIndiaWoodGamble JS (Gamble Man)

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