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Your search returned 915 results. You searched for the family: BURSERACEAE. This is page 15 of 92

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
3810BURSERACEAE Protium neglectumWoodSurinameWoodStahel G
3811BURSERACEAE Protium neglectumWoodSurinameWoodStahel G
3812BURSERACEAE Protium sagotianumWoodSurinameWoodStahel G
3813BURSERACEAE Protium sagotianumWoodSurinameWoodStahel G
3814 BURSERACEAE Protium serratumWoodBurmaWoodBurma For. Dept.
3815BURSERACEAE Protium obtusifoliumWoodMauritiusWoodDespeissis JA
3816BURSERACEAE Protium serratumWoodBurmaWoodIndian For. Dept.
3817 BURSERACEAE Protium serratumWoodBurmaWoodBurma For. Dept.
3818 BURSERACEAE Protium serratumWoodIndiaWoodAnderson Dr
3819 BURSERACEAE Protium serratumWoodBurmaWoodCons. Forests Rangoon

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