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Your search returned 583 results. You searched for the family: ANNONACEAE. This is page 55 of 59

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
76030ANNONACEAE Monodora myristicaSeedsEquatorial GuineaSeedsSunderland TSunderland T
76159ANNONACEAE Pseuduvaria spWoodBruneiWoodSands MJS, Atkins S, Cowley EJ et al
76161ANNONACEAE WoodBruneiWoodSands MJS, Atkins S, Cowley EJ et al
76165ANNONACEAE Mitrephora glabraWoodBruneiWoodSands MJS, Hyland BPM, Eri JA et al
76206ANNONACEAE WoodBruneiWoodCoode MJE, Kirkup DW et al
76281ANNONACEAE WoodBruneiWoodCoode MJE, Abdullah AI, Sing H
76469ANNONACEAE Cananga odorataCananga oilCananga oilPharm Soc GB
76839ANNONACEAE Monodora myristicaMonodora myristica oilMonodora myristica oilPharm Soc GB
76994ANNONACEAE Cananga odorataCananga oilCananga oilPharm Soc GB
77029ANNONACEAE Cananga odorataYlang-ylang oilYlang-ylang oilPharm Soc GB

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