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Your search returned 583 results. You searched for the family: ANNONACEAE. This is page 50 of 59

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
72951ANNONACEAE Annona spRootUnited StatesRootFisher J, Ewers F, Gasson P, Curtis A
72962ANNONACEAE Polyalthia longifoliaWoodUnited StatesWoodFisher J, Ewers F, Gasson P, Curtis A
72973ANNONACEAE Polyalthia longifoliaWoodUnited StatesWoodFisher J, Ewers F, Gasson P, Curtis A
73142ANNONACEAE Xylopia ferrugineaWood - branch sectionIndonesiaWood - branch sectionHerbarium, LeidenBalgooy van, Kessler P
73434ANNONACEAE Uvaria acuminataFruitsMadagascarFruitsDorr LJ
73529 ANNONACEAE Hexalobus monopetalusFruits on bamboo sticksCameroonFruits on bamboo sticksRumball N, Enanga M
73540ANNONACEAE Enantia chloranthaBark and inner barkCameroonBark and inner barkRumball N, Ndumbe P
73541ANNONACEAE Xylopia aethiopicaFruitsCameroonFruitsRumball N, Nkafel J
73549ANNONACEAE Monodora myristicaSeedsCameroonSeedsRumballNkafel J
73586ANNONACEAE Uvariodendron molundenseFruitsCameroonFruitsRumball N

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