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Your search returned 583 results. You searched for the family: ANNONACEAE. This is page 39 of 59

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
41040ANNONACEAE Cymbopetalum brasilienseFruitsFruitsSpruce, RichardSpruce, Richard
41042ANNONACEAE Duguetia spFruits and LeavesBrazilFruits and LeavesTraill JWH
41043ANNONACEAE Duguetia quitarensisBarkGuyanaBark
41044ANNONACEAE Monodora myristicaFruitFruitMann G
41045ANNONACEAE Monodora myristicaFruitFruitWelwitsch Dr
41046 ANNONACEAE Polyalthia longifoliaFibreIndiaFibreAmsterdam Exhib 1883
41047ANNONACEAE Polyalthia longifoliaBarkIndiaBarkAmsterdam Exhib 1883
41048ANNONACEAE Oxandra spFruitsFruitsChristy T & Co
41049ANNONACEAE Polyalthia coffeoidesSeedsSri LankaSeedsCol & Indian Exhib 1886
41050 ANNONACEAE Polyalthia longifoliaFruitsFruitsHRH The Prince of Wales

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