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Your search returned 583 results. You searched for the family: ANNONACEAE. This is page 23 of 59

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
19618ANNONACEAE Cleistopholis patensWoodLiberiaWoodYale Firestone ExpedProctor Cooper G
19619ANNONACEAE Goniothalamus tapisWoodMalaysiaWoodJacobs M, Leiden
19620ANNONACEAE Cyathocalyx spWoodMalaysiaWoodSimmonds Dr NWJacobs
19621ANNONACEAE Cyathocalyx biovulatusWoodMalaysiaWoodH.
19622ANNONACEAE Cyathocalyx spWoodMalaysiaWoodSimmonds Dr NWJacobs
19623 ANNONACEAE Cyathocalyx pahangensisWoodMalaysiaWoodPhytochem Survey Malay HerbT. & P.
19624ANNONACEAE Duguetia lanceolataWoodBrazilWoodFund Inst Tech Est Pernambuco
19625 ANNONACEAE Annickia polycarpaWoodLiberiaWoodYale Univ Firestone ExpedProctor Cooper G
19626 ANNONACEAE Annickia polycarpaWoodLiberiaWoodYale Univ Firestone ExpedProctor Cooper G
19627 ANNONACEAE Annickia polycarpaWoodLiberiaWoodYale Univ Firestone ExpedProctor Cooper G

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