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Your search returned 100 results. You searched for the family: AMARANTHACEAE. This is page 5 of 10

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
45862AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus caudatusFruiting Portion of PlantIndiaFruiting Portion of PlantWatt Dr
45863 AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus paniculatusFruiting portionIndiaFruiting portionCol & Ind Exhib
45864AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus spinosusRootsRootsHanbury D
45865AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus spFlowersJapanFlowersAlcock Rutherford
45866AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus paniculatusFlower SpikeIndiaFlower SpikeWatt Sir G
45867AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus spMuseum Staff RBG Kew
45868AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus spinosusFruiting Portion of PlantIndiaFruiting Portion of PlantIndia Museum
45869AMARANTHACEAE Celosia argenteaSeedsJapanSeedsWoolley WA
45870AMARANTHACEAE Celosia cristataFlowersFlowersWatters T
45871AMARANTHACEAE Celosia cristataFlower spikeIndiaFlower spikeIndia Museum

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