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Your search returned 128 results. You searched for the country: 90. This is page 9 of 13

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
42376BETULACEAE Alnus glutinosaThree stages in the manufacture of clogsIrelandThree stages in the manufacture of clogsRobertson TH
43429CANNABACEAE Cannabis sativaItalian hemp, line and towIrelandItalian hemp, line and towWalker George & Co Ltd
45685NONE Nepenthes khasianaPitcher and leafIrelandPitcher and leafMorris Dr
45686NONE Nepenthes gracilisPitchersIrelandPitchersMoore Dr
48099SOLANACEAE Nicotiana spCoarse cut light tobaccoIrelandCoarse cut light tobaccoJohnson Dr T
48109SOLANACEAE Nicotiana spConnecticut & American TobaccosIrelandConnecticut & American TobaccosJohnson Dr T
48115SOLANACEAE Nicotiana spYellow Prior TobaccoIrelandYellow Prior TobaccoJohnson Dr T
48120SOLANACEAE Nicotiana spFine Cut Connecticut TobaccoIrelandFine Cut Connecticut TobaccoJohnson Dr T
48127SOLANACEAE Nicotiana spCut Cavendish TobaccoIrelandCut Cavendish TobaccoJohnson Dr T
48139SOLANACEAE Nicotiana spPlug TobaccoIrelandPlug TobaccoJohnson Dr T

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