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Your search returned 128 results. You searched for the country: 90. This is page 8 of 13

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
34599JUNCACEAE Juncus lamprocarpusStemsIrelandStemsO'Brien Murrough
34792PANDANACEAE Pandanus macrocarpusPortion of Male Cone & LeafIrelandPortion of Male Cone & LeafMoore Dr
35473PALMAE Caryota urensSpadix and leafIrelandSpadix and leafBotanic Gardens Glasnevin
37572BETULACEAE Alnus glutinosaWalking stick with twisted bark markingIrelandWalking stick with twisted bark markingVicany ST
37585FAMILY UNKNOWN Walking stick with carved bird's head handleIrelandWalking stick with carved bird's head handleGuinevan JB
37983ROSACEAE Prunus spinosaIrish shillalaghIrelandIrish shillalaghHipkins
40878RANUNCULACEAE Ranunculus ficariaTubersIrelandTubersChemist & Druggist
41401SALICACEAE Salix spWoven bottle holder of willowIrelandWoven bottle holder of willowTraining School for Basket Industry, Connemara
41418SALICACEAE Salix spBasket for holding scent bottlesIrelandBasket for holding scent bottlesSturge (Miss)
42373BETULACEAE Alnus glutinosaFinished clog (5th stage of manufacture)IrelandFinished clog (5th stage of manufacture)Robertson TH

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