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Your search returned 116 results. You searched for the country: Angola. This is page 7 of 12

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
45479MYRISTICACEAE Staudtia gabonensisSeedsAngolaSeedsDawe MT
45700POLYGONACEAE Brunnichia africanaAngolaWelwitsch Dr
46595BIGNONIACEAE Spathodea campanulataFruitsAngolaFruitsWelwitsch Dr
48627 CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea albaFruitsAngolaFruitsWelwitsch Dr
48669 CONVOLVULACEAE Merremia tuberosaFruitsAngolaFruitsWelwitsch Dr
49047LOGANIACEAE Anthocleista nobilisFruiting BranchAngolaFruiting Branch
49179LOGANIACEAE Strychnos spinosaFruitsAngolaFruitsDr Livingstone's ExpeditionKirk Dr
49185LOGANIACEAE Strychnos spinosaFruitsAngolaFruitsDr Welwitsch
49612 APOCYNACEAE Chamaeclitandra henriquesianaRoot RubberAngolaRoot RubberHecht, Levis & Kahn
50425OLEACEAE Schrebera trichocladaFruit and seedsAngolaFruit and seedsWelwitsch Dr

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