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Your search returned 234 results. You searched for the country: Pakistan. This is page 7 of 24

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
34950PALMAE Areca catechuFruitPakistanFruitBaker JB
35924 PALMAE Nannorrhops ritchianaLeavesPakistanLeavesStocks Dr
35938PALMAE Nannorrhops ritchianaRope made from fibrePakistanRope made from fibreStocks Dr
35995PALMAE Phoenix dactyliferaArabian DatesPakistanArabian DatesBonavia Dr
36072PALMAE Phoenix reclinataFibrePakistanFibreIndia Museum
40767RANUNCULACEAE Aconitum chasmanthumRootsPakistanRootsDuthie JFMonro AV
41080MENISPERMACEAE Anamirta cocculusFruit of Cocculus indicusPakistanFruit of Cocculus indicusColonial & Indian Exhibition
41178BERBERIDACEAE Leontice leontopetalumPakistanStocks Dr
41222NYMPHAEACEAE Nymphaea lotusPakistanIndia Museum
41224NYMPHAEACEAE Nymphaea lotusFlowersPakistanFlowersIndia Museum

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