Rectangular bamboo mat with woven imagery - Specimen details

Rectangular bamboo mat with woven imagery - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 99996

No Image
Plant Name 200.00 POACEAE Entry Book Number 11.2017
Artefact Name Rectangular bamboo mat with woven imagery Vernacular Name
Iso Country Malaysia TDWG Region Malaysia
Parts Held Rectangular bamboo mat with woven imagery Geography Description
Uses Rectangular bamboo mat with woven imageryUse: MATERIALS User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Susi Dunsmore Donor No
Donor Date 10/04/2017 Donor Notes
Collector Susi Dunsmore Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Imagery depicts a man on the back of a horse / donkey (?) surrounded by tall plants.x0Dx0AFor info on mats see: Sarawak Cultural Legacy (Chin & Mashman, 1991); Ch. 19 (S. Dunsmore) 198 - 201

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