Wounoon Oval Platter - Specimen details

Wounoon Oval Platter - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 99878

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Plant Name 187.00 PALMAE Astrocaryum standleyanum Entry Book Number 25.2017
Artefact Name Wounoon Oval Platter Vernacular Name
Iso Country Colombia TDWG Region Colombia
Parts Held Wounoon Oval Platter Geography Description Choco, San Juan riverx0Dx0ALocality revised 2019
Uses Wounoon Oval PlatterUse: MATERIALS - Fibres User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Fibres
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Gardiner L Donor No
Donor Date 21/08/2017 Donor Notes Donor reformatted 2019
Collector Gardiner L Collector No LGEB 53
Collection Notes Collection Date 19/07/2017
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Lauren Gardiner: Astrocaryum leaf sheath fibres. Usually both fibres (inside coiled core, and outer thin cover) are Astrocaryum standleyanum. Sometimes Mauritiella macroclada (Arecaceae) used for the coiled core, but the outer thin fiber is always A. sta, ndleyanum. Leaflet epidermis plus mesophyll used to make the fibres. Plants used for dying include bija (Bixa orellana L.: Bixaceae) - deep orange color; puchicama (Fridericia chica (Bonpl.) L.G. Lohmann: Bignoniaceae) - either light orange or black color, if the fiber is buried in mud for 48 hours; and cúrcuma (Curcuma longa L.: Zingiberaceae) - yellow color. Other plants are used but the Wounaan prefer not to reveal names or processes involved. A total of nine colors are found in current Wounaan basketry, - natural, red, black, orange, yellow, brown, green, light purple, and a deep, wine-colored red obtained by mixing several dyes (Torres & Avendaño 2009, pers. comm. Rodrigo Bernal 2017). More information in: Garcia 2013, and Bernal 2013.
Determinations:17.01 BIXACEAE Bixa orellana L.
    120.01 BIGNONIACEAE Fridericia chica (Bonpl.) L.G. Lohmann
    170.01 ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma longa L.
    187.00 PALMAE Astrocaryum standleyanum L.H.Bailey

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