Basketry filter / sieve or 'chapani' (of bamboo) - Specimen details

Basketry filter / sieve or 'chapani' (of bamboo) - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 99747

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Plant Name 200.00 POACEAE Entry Book Number 11.2017
Artefact Name Basketry filter / sieve or 'chapani' (of bamboo) Vernacular Name
Iso Country Nepal TDWG Region Nepal
Parts Held Basketry filter / sieve or 'chapani' (of bamboo) Geography Description
Uses Basketry filter / sieve or 'chapani' (of bamboo)Use: User: TDWG use
Storage Large shelving Related Items
Donor Dunsmore, Susi Donor No
Donor Date 10/04/2017 Donor Notes see: Susi Dunsmore 2016. Notes on Nepal's creative basketry. ISBN 0-9552900-1-5 page 25
Collector Dunsmore, Susi Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: These types of baskets are made in the hill regions by Tamang, Sherpa, Gurung, Rai and Limbu people. The bamboo filters are used in the final process of producing an alcoholic drink 'jaand' from wheat, millet or maize. The fine open weave 2/2 twill filt, ers with the 4 deocratively stitched strengthening bars re made by men. The drink is prepared by women and is enjoyed by all. Sometimes it is sold to weary travellers, or on Feasts and market days.

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