Hand-drawn batik - Specimen details

Hand-drawn batik - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 91903

Plant Name 57.01 LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE Indigofera sp Entry Book Number 1.2012
Artefact Name Hand-drawn batik Vernacular Name
Iso Country Thailand TDWG Region Thailand
Parts Held Hand-drawn batik Geography Description Hmong/Miao people, NE Thailand.
Uses Hand-drawn batikUse: User: TDWG use
Storage Large shelving Related Items
Donor Balfour-Paul J Donor No 14
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Balfour-Paul J Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date 00/00/1991
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Plant source unknown; could be Indigofera or Strobilanthes.

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