Cover for ink jar - Specimen details

Cover for ink jar - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 91878

Plant Name 160.00 SALICACEAE Salix sp. Entry Book Number 10.2011
Artefact Name Cover for ink jar Vernacular Name
Iso Country United Kingdom TDWG Region United Kingdom
Parts Held Cover for ink jar Geography Description
Uses Cover for ink jarUse: MATERIALS - Cane etc. User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Cane etc.
Storage Large shelving Related Items
Donor Bichard M Donor No E623
Donor Date 00/00/2011 Donor Notes Donated by Reg Beardmore, Market Lavington, Devizes. Ink supplied to schools etc in bulk in basketry covered containers, returned for refilling (WH Smith & Sons, to Frome Technical Art Institute)
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date 00/00/1980
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication

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