Apple picker - Specimen details

Apple picker - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 91869

Plant Name 160.00 SALICACEAE Salix sp. Entry Book Number 10.2011
Artefact Name Apple picker Vernacular Name
Iso Country United Kingdom TDWG Region United Kingdom
Parts Held Apple picker Geography Description
Uses Apple pickerUse: MATERIALS - Cane etc. User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Cane etc.
Storage Large shelving Related Items
Donor Bichard M Donor No E298
Donor Date Donor Notes Bought by Shiela Wynter from Arthur Payne of Tewksbury, Glos, fourth generation basketmaker, poacher and riverman. For gathering fruit, garden use, shopping
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date 00/06/1993
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication

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