Wood and bark - Specimen details

Wood and bark - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 79342

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Plant Name 31.02 BOMBACACEAE Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Wood and bark Vernacular Name
Iso Country Mexico TDWG Region Mexico
Parts Held Wood and bark Geography Description Sonora, Mexico
Uses Wood and barkUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Woods size A Related Items
Donor Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Lewis GP, Hughes CE, Contreras JL Collector No 2070
Collection Notes Collection Date 29/01/1992
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: - fruit + seed all sent to St. Andrews Univeristy, Scotland. No herb. voucher. No material at K other than wood.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0ACollecting notes: Mexico: Sonora: 33km W of Bacanora on road to hermosillo, slope down to El Novillo, dam-site village. Bosque tropical sec, a.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0ATree to 6 m x 25 cm, amin trunk with deeply, vertically fissured, somewhat corky-woody bark, fissures 1-1.5 cm deep. Upper branching very open and branches smooth, greyish white. Young branches can be particularly spiny but are sometimes spineless., No foliage, fruit only. Fruit lemon-shaped, lime gree speckled brownish. Tomentum of persistent flower parts golden. ''Wool'' of fruit white, silky. Seeds globose, dark chocolate brown.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0AFRUITS, SEEDS & WOOD SEPARATE. PHOTOS.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0ADupls.: MEXU (Universida, d Nacional Autónoma de México)

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