Wood and bark - Specimen details

Wood and bark - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 79337

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Plant Name 57.03 LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSOIDEAE Acacia willardiana Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Wood and bark Vernacular Name
Iso Country Mexico TDWG Region Mexico
Parts Held Wood and bark Geography Description Sonora, Mexico
Uses Wood and barkUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Woods size B Related Items
Donor Forest Herbarium Oxford Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Lewis GP, Hughes CE, with Contreras JL. Collector No 2059
Collection Notes Collection Date 27/01/1992
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: SEE HERBARIUM MATERIALx0Dx0ASEE TRANSPARENCY MATERIALx0Dx0Ax0Dx0ACollecting note: Mexico, Sonora: 4 km E of Guaymas on road to Ciudad Obregon, just by power station. Rocky hillslope in small gully with cactus, Cercidium, Desmanthus and Bersera.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0ALocally common with, a population of about 100 trees scatttered over the hillside. Thornless trees either multiple-trunked, single stemmed or with many branches arising from a smal trunk of 50cm (perhaps coppiced in some cases). Up to 4m x 25cm with largest trees higher up o, n open boulders at c. 100 m alt. Bark snake-skin papery, pale golden brown or pale creamish yellow peeling to reveal white under bark. Branching open. Foliage pendulous, leaves occasionally bipinnate with rachis as well as petiole phyllodinous. Phyllodes, up to 20cm long, shiny bottle gree, leaflets mid green. Glands at phyllode apex, below pinnae secreting sticky solution, occasionally on a ± mound. Foliage similar in appearance to Parkinsonia aculeata. Calyces and corollas pale green, filaments white, an, thers pale yellow. Flowers very faintly scented, visited by Apis mellifera at 9.30 am.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0AWOOD, FLOWERS IN FAA, PHOTOSx0Dx0Ax0Dx0ADupls.: MEXU, FCME

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