Wood - Specimen details

Wood - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 76127

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Plant Name 84.01 RUBIACEAE Nauclea sp Entry Book Number 6.2000
Artefact Name Wood Vernacular Name
Iso Country Indonesia TDWG Region Indonesia
Parts Held Wood Geography Description Irian Jaya, Asia-Tropical, Indonesia, North East Kepala Burung
Uses WoodUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Woods size B Related Items
Donor Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Davis A, Sands MJS, Thomas S et al Collector No 645
Collection Notes Collection Date 16/04/1995
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Mupi Dessa. Arfak Mountains, Mupi Valley system. On the trail from Mupi to Humeibou. Near base camp 1 (by Sungai Mupi, at 550m), 50m upstream. Lower montane forest Steep slope, at bottom of river valley, 520m. Tree, to 25cm, dbh 30cm. Herbaria: A, BO,, CANB, K, L, MAN

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