Toy chair - Specimen details

Toy chair - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 73891

Plant Name 156.01 JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regia Entry Book Number 16.1973
Artefact Name Toy chair Vernacular Name
Iso Country United Kingdom TDWG Region United Kingdom
Parts Held Toy chair Geography Description Great Britain, England, London
Uses Toy chairUse: MATERIALS - Wood User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Wood
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor London College of Furniture Donor No
Donor Date 22/06/1973 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Furniture donated by London College of Furniture. Made by the students. Early 18th Century walnut chair. Queen Anne style. Made by R Kinsey. Walnut was introduced as a furniture timber towards the end of the 17th century and became popular in the Royal, household, and the homes of the nobility. The skills introduced by foreign craftsmen (some came over with William of Orange) brought about the introduction of the trade of cabinet making. The chair is constructed from solid walnut, yet the back upright, s are cross-band veneered on the flat fron surfaces, as are the outer edges of the seat frame. Veneering here is shown as it was originally introduced as a decorative feature.

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