Purse from bark - Specimen details

Purse from bark - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 73762

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Plant Name 31.02 BOMBACACEAE Adansonia digitata Entry Book Number 34.1996
Artefact Name Purse from bark Vernacular Name
Iso Country Uganda TDWG Region Uganda
Parts Held Purse from bark Geography Description Uganda, Africa, East Tropical Africa
Uses Purse from barkUse: MATERIALS User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Prendergast HDV Collector No 637
Collection Notes Collection Date 10/09/1996
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Purse made - according to stall holder - in Central Province of Uganda (Mbigi and Masaka) of baobab bark. Threading of unknown origin. Purchased in the largely tourist-oriented City Market, Nairobi, Kenya on 10/9/96

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