Lacquer box - Specimen details

Lacquer box - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 73481

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Plant Name 53.01 ANACARDIACEAE Rhus verniciflua Entry Book Number 23.1995
Artefact Name Lacquer box Vernacular Name
Iso Country Japan TDWG Region Japan
Parts Held Lacquer box Geography Description Japan, Asia Temperate, Eastern Asia
Uses Lacquer boxUse: MATERIALS - Other Materials/Chemicals User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Other Materials/Chemicals
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Prance Prof I Donor No
Donor Date 26/06/1995 Donor Notes HARUKYO - Japanese Haiku Soc. Date: 00/00/1995x0Dx0A
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Decorated box with lid which contained a cheque for £15,025 for restoration of the Japanese Gateway, presented by HARUKYO - the Japanese Haiku Society, by Ms Haruko Takaji, daughter of the Composer of the Haiku engraved near the gateway. Passed on by Pro, f Iain Prance

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