Indigo dyed cotton cloth - Specimen details

Indigo dyed cotton cloth - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 73252

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Plant Name 57.01 LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE Lonchocarpus cyanescens Entry Book Number 27.1925
Artefact Name Indigo dyed cotton cloth Vernacular Name
Iso Country Nigeria TDWG Region Nigeria
Parts Held Indigo dyed cotton cloth Geography Description Nigeria, Africa, West Tropical Africa, Oyo and Iseyin
Uses Indigo dyed cotton clothUse: MATERIALS - Tannins/Dyestuffs User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Tannins/Dyestuffs
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Hill Sir Arthur Donor No
Donor Date 00/00/1924 Donor Notes
Collector Ross Capt Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date 00/00/1921
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Sample of native weaving and dyeing from Oyo and Iseyin, Southern Provinces, Nigeria. The strips 4 inches wide are woven by men. The blue is obtained from L. cyanescens and the depth of colour depends on the number of times the cloth is dipped in the dy, e. From the Directors collection - Nigeria donated to museum 1924. Part of specimens sent by Captain Ross, 37/1921

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