Stem and leaves - Specimen details

Stem and leaves - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 73077

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Plant Name 88.00 COMPOSITAE Artemisia sp Entry Book Number 49.1992.30
Artefact Name Stem and leaves Vernacular Name
Iso Country Pakistan TDWG Region Pakistan
Parts Held Stem and leaves Geography Description Pakistan, Asia-Tropical, Indian Subcontinent, Gilgit/Karimabad, Karakoram
Uses Stem and leavesUse: MEDICINES User: Man TDWG use MEDICINES
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
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Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: In Baltistan, herb is boiled with water for 5 minutes to make a tisane for stomach problems. (Informant Ali Muhammad, a Balti guide staying in Karimabad.) Specimen gathered from slope beside Karakoram highway between Gilgit and Karimabad, Pakistan. Thi, s herb, along with a Ruta sp and other aromatic plants sharing same habitat, is so pungent that scents the air along considerable stretch of highway.

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