Wood - Specimen details

Wood - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 72855

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Plant Name 57.03 LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSOIDEAE Inga coprocarpa Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Wood Vernacular Name
Iso Country Costa Rica TDWG Region Costa Rica
Parts Held Wood Geography Description Costa Rica, Southern America, Mesoamerica, Alajuiela, Bijagua, rd Upala-Canas
Uses WoodUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Woods size B Related Items
Donor Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Pennington TD, Owen PE, Jimenez Q Collector No 13636
Collection Notes Collection Date 28/02/1992
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Streamside, pasture. Tree 7m x 30cm diam, branched from 1m, wide spreading crown. Bark smooth pale grey, young foliage pale green, nectaries stalked, infl. erect, no scent (8.30am) K, C, pale green, filas white turning orange, fruit brown. Project R472, 9 of the UK ODA.

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