Flower buds - CHINESE DRUGS - Specimen details

Flower buds - CHINESE DRUGS - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 69576

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Plant Name 57.01 LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE Sophora japonica Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Flower buds - CHINESE DRUGS Vernacular Name
Iso Country China TDWG Region China
Parts Held Flower buds - CHINESE DRUGS Geography Description China, Shanghai and Ningpo
Uses Flower buds - CHINESE DRUGSUse: MATERIALS - Tannins/Dyestuffs User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Tannins/Dyestuffs
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
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Exhibition Expedition
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Notes: Note source: See p132, On Chinese Medicine, Drugs in Chinese Pharmacies in Malaya, published in The Gardens Bulletin, Straits Settlements, Vol 6 pt 1, Dec 1929

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