Root - PERSIAN DRUG - Specimen details

Root - PERSIAN DRUG - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 69073

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Plant Name 134.00 POLYGONACEAE Polygonum sp Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Root - PERSIAN DRUG Vernacular Name
Iso Country Iran TDWG Region Iran
Parts Held Root - PERSIAN DRUG Geography Description Iran
Uses Root - PERSIAN DRUGUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
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Notes: Note source: No. 70. 1 May 1929. Risheranpivar I fume??? Label source: Dr Hooker, Persian drug No. 70 appears to be the rhizome of a species of Polygonum. I have compared it with a rhizome labelled Polygonum amplexicaule in the Museum, and it shows a go, od deal of resemblance to that in structure, but is a little different. If there is no likely species of Polygonum in Persia, can there be a Rumex with a rhizome? The plant probably grows in very wet soil or is aquatic. L.A.B. 27.2.30.

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