Seeds - Specimen details

Seeds - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 68875

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Plant Name 999.99 FAMILY UNKNOWN Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Seeds Vernacular Name
Iso Country Costa Rica TDWG Region Costa Rica
Parts Held Seeds Geography Description Costa Rica
Uses SeedsUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Miscellaneous Related Items
Donor United Fruit Co, Port Limon, Costa Rica Donor No
Donor Date 00/01/1930 Donor Notes Catt GAx0Dx0A
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Seed of a small tree fruits often called 'Guairto', the scented dry pulp is palatable ornamental. (I hope to collect botanical material of this). Copied from packet sent by Mr Catt. Sequirres Exp St Costa Rica (Port Limon) with letter date, d Dec 23 1929 (M.83.1930 Jan 22nd) JHH 24 seeds received, 7 kept, remainder to Garden. Mr Holland, I have not been able to name these specimens. They consist of endosperm and embryo. The endosperm may be called cartilagenous and the embryos axial extendin, g about half the length of the endosperm and having a radicle and rather small cotyledon. Perhaps some one at the Herbarium can name the specimen. To Herb 29.i.30. LAB Not identified at Herbarium 30.i.30

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