Cotton cloth (warp ikat) - Specimen details

Cotton cloth (warp ikat) - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 65620

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Plant Name 31.01 MALVACEAE Gossypium sp Entry Book Number 9.1852
Artefact Name Cotton cloth (warp ikat) Vernacular Name
Iso Country Not defined TDWG Region Not defined
Parts Held Cotton cloth (warp ikat) Geography Description Borneo
Uses Cotton cloth (warp ikat)Use: MATERIALS - Fibres User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Fibres
Storage Large shelving Related Items
Donor Brooke Sir James Donor No
Donor Date 24/01/1852 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Cloth manufactured by Serebus and Sakarran Dyaks from cotton grown in their own country.x0Dx0APart of Plants + People exhibition Museum No 1, Kew. May 1998 to May 2016x0Dx0AAdditional information fromTraude Gavin 20/09/2017: The textile is a warp i, kat (i.e. the warp threads have been pre-dyed to produce the pattern). The red dye is Morinda citrifolia (known in Dayak as 'engkudu'). This is a skirt textile. To become a garment the 2 fringed ends would have been sewn together to form a tube which w, ould then be secured at the wearer's waist either by knotting, or by being hung over a thread worn around the waist.
Determinations:31.01 MALVACEAE Gossypium sp
    84.01 RUBIACEAE Morinda citrifolia L.

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