Parasol cover of Irish Flax - Specimen details

Parasol cover of Irish Flax - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 64592

Plant Name 34.01 LINACEAE Linum sp Entry Book Number 13.1855
Artefact Name Parasol cover of Irish Flax Vernacular Name
Iso Country Ireland TDWG Region Ireland
Parts Held Parasol cover of Irish Flax Geography Description Ireland
Uses Parasol cover of Irish FlaxUse: MATERIALS - Fibres User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Fibres
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Doneraile Lady Donor No
Donor Date 00/00/1855 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Museum specimens labelled:- 1. Nettle fibre, thread and lace of Urtica dioica, L. Ireland. Lady Doneraile; 2. Parasol cover made in Ireland of nettle fibre, with a border of the fibre of Solomon`s Seal, Lady Doneraile. These all appear to b, e flax, not nettle. The fibre of Solomon`s Seal might be examined, if desired. L.A.B. Label source: Parasol. The borders of Corwallaina nulliflora ?? Urica on Stinging nettle flax.

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