Gum resin - Specimen details

Gum resin - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 63443

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Plant Name 42.00 BURSERACEAE Commiphora sp. Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Gum resin Vernacular Name
Iso Country Not defined TDWG Region Not defined
Parts Held Gum resin Geography Description British Somaliland, Guban, Berber
Uses Gum resinUse: MEDICINES User: Not defined TDWG use MEDICINES
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Pharm Soc GB Donor No 33 F 9
Donor Date 00/00/1911 Donor Notes Drake-Brockman Dr REx0Dx0A
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Collected from the Duncal tree growing on the mountains to the south and south east of Berbera Somaliland Protectorate. This bosllium is said to be a deadly poison

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