Twig, bark and inferior resin - Specimen details

Twig, bark and inferior resin - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 63330

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Plant Name 42.00 BURSERACEAE Commiphora opobalsamum Entry Book Number 86.1910
Artefact Name Twig, bark and inferior resin Vernacular Name
Iso Country Not defined TDWG Region Not defined
Parts Held Twig, bark and inferior resin Geography Description Somaliland, Near Bulhar, Habr Awal Country
Uses Twig, bark and inferior resinUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Drake-Brockman Dr RG Donor No
Donor Date 25/07/1910 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: This bush or tree grows to a height of 5 to 6 feet and is thornless. The bark is smooth and thin, being no more than 1mm in thickness. The leaf bearing portions are nearly always the new wood or slender shoots. There appears to be no fruit., Named in Herb Letter 411.1910 'Daseino' specimen afterwards numbered 590 be Drake-Brockman - see letter dated Sept 15th 1910

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