Pods & Seeds - Specimen details

Pods & Seeds - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 60776

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Plant Name 57.01 LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE Mucuna pruriens Entry Book Number 5.1911
Artefact Name Pods & Seeds Vernacular Name
Iso Country United States TDWG Region United States
Parts Held Pods & Seeds Geography Description United States America, Gainesville
Uses Pods & SeedsUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor U S Dept of Agric Donor No
Donor Date 27/01/1911 Donor Notes Piper Prof CVx0Dx0A
Collector Tracy SM Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: See Spec in Herb. Cult at Gainesville. S.P.I. 25254.
Determinations:57.01 LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.
    57.01 LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE Mucuna hasjoo Tracy
    57.01 LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE Stizolobium hassjoo Piper & Tracy

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